Bury Hospice is always there should you need them. They offer care and support not only to people approaching the end of life – though that is a very important part of their service – but also to their families and friends. Bury Hospice offers outstanding care, from in-patient to day care services, hospice at home and outpatient support to local people and provide best possible quality of life at a time when this matters more than ever.
We need to understand just how important Bury Hospice is to our community. It has touched the lives of all of us in many different ways. If you have been fortunate not to use their services there may be time in the future when you or your family may do. Therefore we as the community irrespective of nationality, age or race need support in order to provide such service vital in time of need. By supporting this event and others like it you will play vital role in ensuring its existence. Bury Hospice needs your support either by attending Country and Western Music with Line Dancing at the Polish Social Centre 1 April 2017 from 07.30 pm till late.
Artists: O J Reynolds, Mike Wallace, DJ Mark (the Kid)
Tickets: £4.00.
Polish Social Centre fully supports this worthwhile cause and the event organized by Mrs Vera Kirkby. Click poster